Summary of Services Offered
We are always open to new and exciting ideas so if your need is not covered call us!
Public Safety Communications is often regarded as a side note in discussions of planning and response. What many fail to realize is without great call takers, dispatchers, and a functional and reliable communications system the responders do not roll. Not all communications systems have to cost Millions of dollars to make them work. The utilization of technology can overcome shortfalls in land mobile radio systems. There are many systems available that your responders and dispatchers can utilize together to increase communication and effectiveness. We would love to discuss your unique situation and propose a solution for you.
Staffing Analysis
Do you have the proper number of people working? Did you know that 10 or 12 hour alternative shifts can free up enough of your budget funding to get you the staffing you need? Let's discuss your current staffing and workload and develop a staffing plan to ensure that your citizens are properly covered. Your project can be delivered to you complete with a Presentation to give to your Board or Council. Call and let's discuss how we can assist you.
General Services
Policies and Procedures, Standard Operating Guidelines, Emergency Plans, Quality Assurance, and the project you cannot seem to ever get to are all things that our company can assist you with preparing. We can help your agency establish and complete all of these things or just a missing piece.
Project Management
We can manage your project from inception to completion. Our team has completed several large and small projects with all coming in under budget and ahead of schedule. You may be ready to move forward with a project but just don't have the time to manage it properly. That's where we come in. No project is too small for us to manage. Call today and let us help you.
Google Workspace
Google Workspace for Business and Government is a perfect way for your team to store and collaborate documents. Google Workspace comes with Email, Documents, Spreadsheets, Presentations, Calendars, your very own YouTube Channel and you choose what to share with others in your domain or keep private. The fee for Google Workspace is dependent upon your needs but generally is much cheaper than licensing individual copies for word processing and email access. You get to use your own domain for email addresses and an administrator for your agency has complete control over issuing email addresses and administration of your users. Let's discuss how Google Workspace can increase your agency's effectiveness and efficiency!
Consolidation does not have to be a big scary word that leads to ownership issues. Let's talk about a different type of consolidation, computer hardware and software consolidation. Do you and your neighbors use similar software or are you using a software that a neighboring agency is considering? Have you considered consolidating your computer hardware and software resources to save money and make each of you more effective? Today's computers and software programs allow for multiple agencies to utilize the same physical machine saving money. Give us a call and let's talk about how we can save your agency money!
Leadership Development
Our Owner and President Dan Wright has developed a deep passion for how proper leadership can assist public safety. With a strong leadership background, formal leadership training and the field experience to match let us help your agency achieve peak performance.
Website Development
A web presence is required in today's business world and that also holds true for your Public Safety Agency or Small Business. From a basic site to a complex site we can help you design and build a site that will work and process work flows for you. This will result in efficiency for your business processes.
Does your agency have a formal training program? If you do not you are accepting a huge responsibility! We can help you start from the ground up and build a training program specifically for your agency. Cookie cutter training programs are costly and they just don't always work. Let our staff work with your agency and custom build a training program for you and your personnel that is easy to follow, cost efficient, effective and will work to make your agency better. We offer training for all levels of dispatch personnel and PSAP management through our strategic partnerships.